Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wrestler Profiles: 20 Questions With Senior Justin Simmons

In this first of what I hope to be, at minimum, weekly posts of a wrestler, we will ask a wrestler 20 questions.

1.       Favorite movie?
Four Brothers
2.       Favorite TV Show or book? (circle one and write the title)
How I Met Your Mother
3.       What kind of music do you listen to before you compete?
Rock – Heavy Metal
4.       Favorite food when not watching your weight?
5.       Favorite sport other than wrestling?
6.       Favorite athlete to watch in another sport?
Adrian Peterson
7.       Favorite wrestler and why?
Kyle D

8.       Best piece of advice you’ve received?
Push yourself it will help out in the long run.

9.       What kind of advice would you give a younger wrestler who is just taking up the sport?
Try your best and don’t give up. Push yourself it will help out in the long run.

10.   Best moment as a wrestler so far?
Getting most improved wrestler last year.

11.   Name three people you would love to invite to dinner?
Dane Cook, Larry the Cable Guy, and Weston G.

12.   What is one thing you are afraid of?
Letting others down
13.   How did you become involved in wrestling?
I wasn’t good at basketball

14.   What is one thing about you most people don’t know?
That I’m blind in my right eye.

15.   What is your favorite wrestling move?
Bar and Wrist
16.   What do you do to pass the time during a long road trip?
Listen to music or watch movies.
17.   Coolest place you’ve traveled to and why?
Branson Missouri, lots of fun things to do and I got to spend time with my grandpa.

18.   Funniest guy on the team and why?
Weston he just knows how to make people laugh.

19.   Favorite flavor of gum?
20.   Your goal in wrestling this year?
Place 1st or 2nd at sections individually and for the team to get to the Mayo CC.