Thursday, December 15, 2011

20 Questions with Senior Josh Kelm

Continuing with our wrestler profiles, here are 20 questions/responses from senior wrestler Josh Kelm.

1.       Favorite movie?
Fast Five
2.       Favorite TV Show?
NCIS Los Angeles
3.       What kind of music do you listen to in your iPod before you compete?
4.       Favorite food when not watching your weight?
5.       Favorite sport other than wrestling?
6.       Favorite athlete to watch in another sport?
7.       Favorite wrestler and why?
Travis Goodman
8.       Best piece of advice you’ve received?
Try your best and you will never fail.
9.       What kind of advice would you give a younger wrestler who is just taking up the sport?
Workout and stay in shape in the off season.
10.   Best moment as a wrestler so far?
Going to Luther Wrestling Camp.
11.   Name three people you would love to invite to dinner?
Bill Gates, Jay Leno, Larry the Cable Guy
12.   What is one thing you are afraid of?
The Doctor’s Office
13.   How did you become involved in wrestling?
In eighth grade I wanted to get out of study hall because I was bored so I joined wrestling.
14.   What is one thing about you most people don’t know?
I have 3 sisters.
15.   What is your favorite wrestling move?
Head locks
16.   What do you do to pass the time during a long road trip?
Talk to whoever I am with and listen to music.
17.   Coolest place you’ve traveled to and why?
Las Vegas because of all the lights at night time.
18.   Funniest guy on the team and why?
Weston because he says random, funny stuff.
19.   Favorite flavor of gum?
Stride Spark
20.   Your goal in wrestling this year?
To win more than I have lost.