Sunday, January 15, 2012

20 Questions with wrestler Dan Clugston

Get to know junior wrestler Dan Clugston a bit better with his 20 responses...

1.       Favorite movie?
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
2.       Favorite TV Show or book?
1984 OR Ultimate Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy
3.       What kind of music do you listen to in your iPod before you compete?
Rock, what else would I?
4.       Favorite food when not watching your weight?
5.       Favorite sport other than wrestling?
Competitive bocce ball
6.       Favorite athlete to watch in another sport?
Apollo Ono
7.       Favorite wrestler and why?
Kyle, he’s a stud.
8.       Best piece of advice you’ve received?
Be aggressive, do your stuff.
9.       What kind of advice would you give a younger wrestler who is just taking up the sport?
Don’t give up, do your stuff.
10.   Best moment as a wrestler so far?
Cannon Falls Team Match 2010
11.   Name three people you would love to invite to dinner?
Steven King, Socrates, and Haugen (I’ll supply the blow-pops)
12.   What is one thing you are afraid of?
Coach Grant  ;)
13.   How did you become involved in wrestling?
Bored in study hall
14.   What is one thing about you most people don’t know?
I play guitar
15.   Any idea what you will do after your competitive career is over?
16.   What do you do to pass the time during a long road trip?
Sleep and read
17.   Coolest place you’ve traveled to and why?
White Sands, New Mexico
18.   Funniest guy on the team and why?
Mitch… Yaaaah!
19.   Favorite flavor of gum?
20.   Your goal in wrestling this year?                                                                                                                                                                Place at sections