Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Friday, February 11th Announcement vs. Rochester Mayo

With Section Tournaments around the corner, Rochester John Marshall has elected to be cautious and has declined to come wrestle us on Friday night.

Fortunately, I found a team that was willing to come up on such short notice. Rochester Mayo will replace JM as the opponent on Friday night. All plans for Parents Night, Senior Night, and the 2001 State Team Championship will resume as planned.

Please bring your family, friends and neighbors - it should be a great dual and a great night to recognize the members and supporters of the Goodhue Wrestling program!

When: Friday, February 11th
Who: Goodhue vs. Rochester Mayo
Weigh-ins: 5:00
JV: 6:00 (expect lots of matches)
Varsity: after Parents/Senior/2001 events, which will begin approximately at 7:00 or whenever JV matches have concluded