Thursday, January 27, 2011

New! Jr. High Duals at NRHEG Feb 1, 2011

There is a new event added to the JV/Jr. High Schedule. On Tuesday, Feb 1, Goodhue JV wrestlers will travel to Ellendale to participate in 3 duals.

When: Tuesday, Feb. 1
Who: all 7th and 8th graders plus first year 9th graders
Location: Ellendale
Bus Departure: 2:15
Start Time: 4:30

Other: Each dual will consist of 12 - 15 matches.  There will not be any forfeits.  There will not be any weight classes. Scratch weight.
4:30        Mat #1 NRHEG vs. Goodhue
              Mat #2 K-W vs. Austin
5:30        Mat #1 NRHEG vs. Austin
              Mat #2 K-W vs. Goodhue
6:30        Mat #1 NRHEG vs. K-W
              Mat #2 Austin vs. Goodhue

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Robbinsdale Cooper Duals info 1/29

Here are some details regarding the Robbinsdale Cooper Duals on Saturday, January 29th. There are no tournaments for Goodhue JV this weekend.

Bus Departure: 6:15 sharp
Weigh-ins: 7:30
Wrestling Starts: 9:30 (approximately)
Who: Varsity only + select alternates
Other: 1# allowance
Robbinsdale Cooper Address: 8230 47th Ave, New Hope, MN 55428

KW/Triton 1/27/11 Info

Here are some details for the triangular against Kenyon-Wanamingo and Triton on Thursday, January 27th.

Where: Kenyon High School
Bus Departure: 3:30
Weigh-ins: 4:00
Goodhue vs. Triton: 5:00
Goodhue vs. KW: 6:30 (approximately)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday/Saturday Practice Information (1/21-1/22)

Note: There is no school on Friday. 7-8 graders will be going to the Ellsworth Jr. High Tournament. All other wrestlers will not have practice. On Saturday, all JV wrestlers will be going to Chatfield. All Varsity wrestlers will have practice from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Afterward, Varsity wrestlers are expected to stay and serve as referees for the Goodhue Elementary Individual Wrestling Tournament.

If you have any questions, email me at

Chatfield JV Tourney 1/22/10

On Saturday, January 22, all non-Varsity wrestlers will be going to the Chatfield JV Tournament. This is a full-fledged Junior Varsity Tournament, meaning all 7-12 wrestlers without significant Varsity experience are able to participate.

Who: all 7-12 non-Varsity wrestlers
When: Saturday, January 22
Bus Departure: 7:00 a.m.
Weigh-ins: 8-9
Wrestling Starts: by 10:30
Location: 205 Union Street, Chatfield
Format: 4 man round-robin
Match Length: 2-2-2

Ellsworth Jr. High Information 1/21/11

The Ellsworth Jr. High Tournament for Friday, Jan. 21, is for wrestlers in grades 6-8.

Bus Departure: 3:10 from GHS
Start Time: 4:30
Location: Ellsworth Middle School, 312 Panther Drive, Ellsworth, WI 54011
Admission: $2 Adults; $1 Students

Lake City dual info 1/20/11

Goodhue will be hosting Lake City tonight for an HVL conference dual. Come out and enjoy what should be a fun evening of wrestling!

Weigh-ins: 5:00 p.m.
JV: 6:00 p.m.
Varsity: 7:00 p.m.

Also, there will be a wrestling get-together and meal at the Charlie Dicke Ranch after the match. Drink and barbecue's will be provided; you're welcome to bring a side dish to contribute to the meal. The Dicke Ranch is located 5 miles north (of Hwy 9) on Hwy 6. All 7-12 wrestlers, cheer/stats, coaches, parents and family members are welcome to come.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mauston, WI Duals Information

Here is information regarding the 1/15/11 duals in Mauston, WI.

Bus Departure: 6:00 a.m.
Weigh-ins: 9:00 a.m.
Wrestling Starts at: 10:00 a.m.
# of Duals: 5
Mauston High School Address: 510 Grayside Avenue, Mauston, WI

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ZM/PI Triangular Info 1/13/11

Below is information regarding our triangular with Zumbrota-Mazeppa and Pine Island on Thursday, January 13. The triangular will be held in Mazeppa.

Bus Leaves: 3:30
Weigh-ins: 4:00
ZM vs. PI: 5:00
Goodhue vs. Pine Island: 6:15 (approximately)
Goodhue vs. ZM: 7:30 (approximately)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1/8/2011 Cresco, IA and Stewartville Tourney Info

Here is some information regarding the individual Varsity Jim Flanagan Invite in Cresco, IA and the Stewartville JV Tourney on Saturday, January 8th.

Cresco, IA Flanagan Invite
Bus Departure: 6:15 a.m. from GHS
Weigh-ins: 8:00
Tournament Start: 10:00 a.m.
Admission: $5
Crestwood HS address: 1000 Schroder Dr. Cresco IA 52136

Stewartville JV Tourney
Bus Departure: 7:00 a.m. from GHS
Weigh-ins: 8:00 a.m.
Tournament Start: 9:00 a.m.